Irelandlogue has a birthday

Irelandlogue has an anniversary

Sean Lightholder, blogger at for bootsnallHard to believe, but it’s been a year since I started writing the ‘logue.

847 posts later I have to say I can’t believe I’ve been doing this 2-5 times every day for 12 months. It’s been a lot of work juggling family, job, logue and music, but tremendously rewarding at the same time.

It feels good to know I have it in me to produce a shiteload of drivel under pressure, er, I mean loads of quality content within a specified deadline. *grin* When I started this, I was writing absolutely nothing. Now I can say I’ve compiled a serious body of work concerning Ireland and travel to this wonderful place that I call home.

And that feels good.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it half as much as I have writing it. In the next week I’ll be reviewing the last year’s worth of posts and doing some “best of” and retrospective-style blog entries on the year that’s been. For my faithful readers: thanks for sticking around. For those new to the ‘logue: dive in, there’s a lot of shite, er, quality content waiting for you!