Getting from Dublin to Cork (and return)

Most travelers who visit Dublin , also plan to explore the rest of the country. Cork , located on the banks of the River Lee, is the second largest city in Ireland and also a favorite vacation destination for travelers. The small city center can be easily tackled on foot and there are plenty of things to do and see.

Getting between Dublin and Cork is fast, easy and cheap. The choice whether to travel by plane, bus, train or car is yours and depends on your vacation time.

Quick summary

If you are on a tight budget, the bus is the best choice for traveling between Dublin and Cork. But for under £50 per person you can catch a return flight between the two cities. This is a good choice if you need to move fast from one place to another. Driving is another option if you like to have the independence to stop along the way and take detours.

Flights from Dublin (airport code: DUB) to Cork

Dublin Airport is hub for Aer Lingus, CityJet, Monarch Airlines, Ryanair and Thomson Airways, so finding cheap flights to and from the city is not hard. Cork Airport is the third biggest airport in the country and also a hub for Aer Lingus and Ryanair. Other low cost carriers also offer seasonal flights into Cork.

The route between Dublin and Cork is served by Ryanair. Return tickets cost £40 per person, with little variation from season to season. The travel time is 50 minutes.

Read more about:
>>Flights to Dublin Airport
>>Flights to Cork Airport

Trains from Dublin to Cork

The train service in Ireland is operated by Irish Rail . There are up to 16 connections per day between Dublin and Cork. The main train station is Cork is Kent Station, just 10 min walk from St Patrick’s Street.

The journey takes 3 hours and 50 minutes. The tickets cost between €10 and €36 , one way, per person (if booked online). If you book at the booking office, a one way ticket costs €66 per person.

>>read more about Train Travel in Ireland

Buses from Dublin to Cork

The main bus carrier in Ireland is Bus Éireann , which also offers connections between Dublin and Cork. Buses depart every 2 hours, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. A one way ticket costs €11.70 (if you book online and save 10%).

Another company which offers links between Dublin and Cork is Aircoach . The buses run every 2 hours, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A one way ticket costs €15.

>>read more about Bus Travel in Ireland

Driving from Dublin to Cork

The inter-city road network in Ireland is very well maintained and received quite a lot of investment in the recent years, which makes driving in Ireland a real pleasure. So rent a car and in 2 hours and 30 minutes you’ll drive between Dublin and Cork.

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