Gorgeous Women Drinking Guinness

When I sat down to write this post, I thought a simple search for the words “Guinness Girls” would turn up oodles of pictures. Turns out I was wrong – although it appears there are such things as “Guinness Girls,” nubile young things who are paid to wear tight T-shirts and teency tartan skirts and hand out samples of the famous Irish beer, they also appear to be a bit like the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus – you’ve heard of them, but no one’s got any photographic evidence. You can visit the Guinness Brewery and you are sure to find these elusive women, but that doesn’t help you unless you are in Dublin.

So, instead of spending the next several hours (or days) hunting around the interwebs looking for pictures that may actually not exist, I thought I’d change my planned post (read: be lazy) to what it’s become now – pictures of gorgeous women drinking Guinness. I’m also totally open to adding pictures to this post if y’all find any and want to send them in, and I’d be especially happy if you’ve actually got some pictures of those elusive Guinness Girls. But in the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy these Guinness Girls – such as they are.

I’ve no idea who this woman is, but she’s either shooting a commercial for Guinness or she’s using that freshly-poured pint to accompany her come-hither look at the guy across the bar. If you were that guy, which would draw you in more – the girl, or the Guinness?

I’m sure this picture is one that Danielle Lloyd would prefer to forget, especially as it appears she’s already had plenty of Guinness and really shouldn’t be drinking the new one she has in her hand. Still, with that kind of boobage on display, even if the picture’s a little unflattering I’m guessing many of you may not even have noticed why.

This photo was taken at a promotional event for Guinness, and the woman holding the bottle of Guinness here is apparently a singer called Ce’cile (who I’ve never heard of). Someone bought a date with her for $45,000 Guinness bucks, though, so she must be at least a little famous. And okay, she’s not technically drinking the Guinness here, but she’s pretty so I’m letting her stay on the list.

This picture comes from that same buy-a-date-with-Ce’cile event, but this isn’t Ce’cile. In fact, I have no idea who this woman is. Perhaps some kind of Guinness Vanna White? And yes, again, she’s not drinking Guinness. But that’s a huge Guinness banner behind her, which should count for something, right? Right?

Gwyneth Paltrow’s married to a Brit and has lived in the U.K. for several years now, so it may not be surprising that she doesn’t necessarily favor American beers. At any rate, she downed this Guinness on a television show during an interview, so she’s also not private about her love of the stuff.

It’s probably not safe to assume that after she pulled this pint of Guinness that Roxanne McKee also drank it, but what the heck. I’m going to live dangerously and assume just that.

Finally, we have a series of pictures of the lovely Gemma Atkinson (and her breasts), in which she not only pulls her own pint of Guinness – she also drinks it (take that, Roxanne McKee!), even managing to get a bit of a foam moustache. I’m pretty sure some of you may never notice the moustache, and I can hardly blame you.

And be sure to check out this slideshow of pictures from a Guinness “9-Ball Tour” when it stopped in Singapore. These lovely ladies may not be wearing tartan skirts, but they’re worth a look-see all the same. Trust me.